Stephen Harper has apologized for a national disgrace:

Stephen Harper has apologized for a national disgrace: the residential schools program forced on First Nations people here in Canada.

This apology has been a LONG time coming, and it's a great first step. Here's your chance to join the apology:

1. Set your Facebook, or IM status to 'Sorry' and your profile picture or avatar to black.
This is an expression of apology to and solidarity with First Nations people, recognizing the injustices of the past and pledging to work to rectify them. Check it out here:

2. Check out
for an online action to press the government to work to alleviate First Nations poverty. Bill C-292, a Private Member's Bill - is stuck in the Senate (sound familiar?) It's an agreement negotiated between several levels of government - federal, provincial and First Nations - that would be a great step towards closing the gap in living standards between First Nations people and the rest of Canada. But if it doesn't pass soon, it may not make it (again, sound familiar?) It needs your help

3. Join the Facebook group here:

4. Tell your friends to do the same.
A personal note to your close friends, asking that they join you in this act of solidarity will go a long way to spreading the word. Please, share this message by email, on Facebook, or blog about it.

Thank you,
Dennis Howlett
Make Poverty History

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